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Jessica Graham

Jonathan Graham



Rachel Bauch

Julie Chase

Martha Chase

Clara De Lima

John Druckman

Carly Finnegan

Sean Gale Burke

Nicole Gayda

Kaley Gibson

Natalie Kraiem

Peti Lau

Alix Lerman

Elizabeth Lyons

Courtenay Lyons

John Lyons

Erin McLevey

Emma Milbank

Nina Milbank

Benjamin Nottingham

Amelia Randall

Julia Shingler

Jake Silvestri

Fathay Smith Kiawu

Elisa Villafan

Manuela Villafana

Alberto Villalobos

Kips Bay Young Patron’s Committee is a group of socially conscious and dedicated young professionals who are committed to Kips Bay’s mission to support youngsters between ages 6-18 who come from disadvantaged or disenfranchised circumstances.


The KBYPC’s purpose is to raise awareness about Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club by fundraising, networking, volunteering, and creating corporate leadership opportunities. While the Committee does not have a formal “give-or-get” policy, KBYPC members are responsible for supporting at least one Young Patron’s event and one general Kips Bay event each fiscal year.


Benefits of joining the KBYPC:

  1. Give back by supporting an organization doing important work

  2. Network with other young professionals

  3. Develop your professional and leadership skills

  4. Gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the nonprofit sector

  5. Exposure to Kips Bay’s leadership team & Board of Directors through various events

  6. Engage your friends in the cause through KBYPC events


To express interest in becoming a member of the KBYPC or for further information, please contact:


Nazira Handal, Director of Special Events & Corporate Partnership

Phone: 718-893-8600 x11225


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